Welcome to “GrapeSeeds” projects, Switzerland
To you, the reader, player, user, friend or visitor of my website,
Thank you for visiting this site.
“GrapeSeeds” projects, Switzerland, is the result of a personal wish to turn ideas coming from my day to day observations of the world, into concrete tools used by all to either help learn, or simplify your’s, mine or others daily life.
All “Apps”, or documents on this site represent thoughtful thinking in an independent environment, with one simple aim, plant the “Seeds” for future growth, be it in our children’s understanding of the world, their learning skills, keeping our minds sharp as we grow older, or just recording the information we feel is important as life progresses.
And why “Grapes”, you may ask? Simple, the grape plant is robust, it needs a bit of water or not too much, it needs looking after but again not too much, it gives beautiful greenery to our countryside ending with cheerful autumn colours, and finally, it gifts us with a fruit that is healthy, energy giving, and allows it’s producers to create all kind’s of fabulous products for every age, produce that only improves over time as, like we, it matures and grows.
So, dear reader / visitor, welcome to “GrapeSeeds” projects, Switzerland. I hope you will enjoy the products offered and do not hesitate to send us feedback via the “contact” page.
… making imaginative projects live …
Michael Wintsch
August 27th, 2015
Geneva, Switzerland
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